An $n \times n$ matrix $A$ is invertible, if and only if $A$ is row equivalent to $I_n$, the $n \times n$ identity matrix. In this case, the row operations that reduces $A$ to $I_n$, reduces $I_n$ to $A^{-1}$.
You will find the invert of $A$ by applying the Gauss-Jordan elimination to the aumented matrix $ [A|I_n]$.
In order to reuse the code you wrote for your last homeworks, we will split the computation in two steps:
and a upward pass of Gaussian elimination that will reduce your augmented matrix to a row echelon form.
We will provide you with some useful functions and scripts to test and debug your functions.
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function rowSwap!(A, i,j)
# input: A matrix
# i,j the row indexes to be swapped
n = size(A)[1]
# checking that i and j are within the permitted range
(i > n || j > n ) && error("Index out of range in the rowSwap")
# if the index are not the same
if i != j
buffer = A[i,:]
A[i,:] = A[j,:]
A[j,:] = buffer
Q1.a You will write a function that performs the same Gaussian elimination that you wrote for homework 4 but with one difference. The function takes as input:
In other words, your matrix will take a matrix as a right-hand-side.
Your function will create the augmented system, and perform the reduction to a upper triangular matrix.
The output of the function will be the tuple (U,B1).
U is the upper triangular matrix resulting from the elimination and $B1$, is the second block of the augmented matrix.
To obtain $U$ and $B1$ from your augmented matrix you perform a slicing (i.e. use [:,1:n] and [:,n+1:end]).
You will use your rowSwap function acting on the augmented matrix.
Finally, your function will raise an error if:
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function gaussianElimination(A,B)
#input: A squared matrix
# B a vector
#output: U upper triangular matrix
# B1 the resulting vector
# safety checks
(n,m) = size(A)
(n != m) && error("Matrix is not square \n")
(n != size(B)[1]) && error("Dimension mismatch \n")
# create the augmented matrix
M = hcat(A,B)
# fill the details
# nested for loops
# slicing the matrices
U = M[:,1:n]
B1 = M[:,n+1:end]
return (U,B1)
Q1.b You will write a function that perform the second part of the Gauss-Jordan method, i.e. the reduction to reduced row echelon form .
The input of your function will be:
You will reduce the augmented matrix $U|B$ using the Gauss-Jordan method. Given that $U$ is already in upper triangular form, you need to reduce it to diagonal form. I.e. you need to eliminate the non-zero elements above the diagonal. In this case the final diagonal form will be an identity matrix.
This transformation to reduced row echelon form is equivalent to a triangular solve with mulitple right-hand-sides. The ouput of the function will be the tuple $(I,X)$. $I$ is the first block of the the augmented matrix, and it should be almost an identity matrix (up to machine precission). $X$ will be the solution to the matrix system $UX= B$. Note that in this case the solution $X$ is a matrix.
Your function needs to have safeguards against a size mismatch (i.e., the sizes of the matrices are not compatible, or your matrix $U$ is not a square matrix).
Hint: if you need to run a foor loop that goes from n-1 to 1, you can use the syntax
for j = n-1:-1:1
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function upwardGaussianElimination(A,B)
#input: U a upper triangular matrix
# B a Matrix
#output: I and almost identity matrix
# X the answer to UX=B
# safety checks
(n,m) = size(A)
(n != m) && error("Matrix is not square \n")
(n != size(B)[1]) && error("Dimension mismatch \n")
return (I,X)
You can test that your function is correct by running the following script:
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# size of the Matrix
m = 100
# creating an upper triangular Matrix
U = diagm(m*ones(m,1)[:], 0) + diagm(rand(m-1,1)[:], 1) + diagm(rand(m-2,1)[:], 2)
# creating the rhs
B = rand(size(U))
@time (I,X) = upwardGaussianElimination(U,B)
print("Residual of the backward substitution is ", norm(U*X -B)/norm(B),"\n")
print("Distance to an Identity matrix is ", norm(I - eye(m)), "\n")
The residual should be extremely small (around epsilon machine)
Q1.c You will write a function (very short) that finds the inverse of a Matrix $A$.
The input of your function will be :
Your function will apply the Gaussian Elimination to the augmented matrix $[A|I_n]$, and it will use the Gauss-Jordan method to find the inverse of $A$. Your function needs to check that your matrix is squared.
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function invert(A)
# input: A square matrix
# output: A^{-1}
# fill the details (rather short!)
return Ainv
You can test your code by running the following script
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# size of the Matrix
m = 100
# creating the Matrix
A = randn(m,m) + m*eye(m)
# compute the inverse
Ainv = invert(A)
# test if Ainv is the inverse
println("Distance to the identity is ", norm(A*Ainv - eye(m)))
The residual should be extremely small (around epsilon machine)
Q2.a You will write a function that performs the Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting (alg 6.2 in your text book). You will use as a base the function you wrote for Homework 4, and you will modify it slightly. The function takes as input:
Your function will create the augmented system, and perform the Gaussian elimination.
The output of the function will be the tuple (U,b1).
U is the upper triangular matrix resulting from the elimination and b1, is the resulting vector.
To obtain $U$ and $b1$ from your augmented matrix you perform a slicing (i.e. use [:,1:n]).
You will use your rowSwap function acting on the augmented matrix to perform the partial pivoting.
Finally, your function will raise an error if:
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function gaussianEliminationPartialPivoting(A,b)
#input: A squared matrix
# b a vector
#output: U upper triangular matrix
# b1 the resulting vector
# safety checks
(n,m) = size(A)
(n != m) && error("Matrix is not square \n")
(n != size(b)[1]) && error("Dimension mismatch \n")
# create the augmented matrix
M = hcat(A,b)
# fill the details!
# slicing the matrices
U = M[:,1:n]
b1 = M[:,n+1:end]
return (U,b1)
Q2.b You will use the triangular solver you wrote in the last homework to implement a linear solver.
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# write (or just copy-paste ) your triangular solver here
In an analogous manner to Homework 4, you will use the Gaussian Elimination algorithm with partial pivoting and your triangular solve to obtain a more stable Linear solver.
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function solveGaussPivoted(A,b)
# input: A square matrix
# b vector
# output: x = A\b
# fill the details
You will test your function by finding the solution to $Ax =b$ for a mildly ill-conditioned matrix.
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# size of the Matrix
m = 100
# creating the Matrix
A = randn(m,m)
println("The conditioning number of A is " ,cond(A))
# creating the rhs
b = rand(size(A)[1],1)
@time x = solveGaussPivoted(A,b)
print("Residual of the solver is ", norm(A*x -b)/norm(b),"\n")
Q2.c You can use the Gaussian Elimination you wrote in Q1 (without pivoting) to solve a linear system
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function solveGauss(A,b)
# input: A square matrix
# b vector
# output: x = A\b
(U,b1) = gaussianElimination(A,b)
return backwardSubstitution(U,b1)
You will compare the pivoted versus the non pivoted solvers. By running the following script.
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# size of the Matrix
m = 100
# creating the Matrix
A = randn(m,m)
# computing the conditioning number
println("The conditioning number of A is " ,cond(A))
# creating the rhs
b = rand(size(A)[1],1)
@time xPiv = solveGaussPivoted(A,b)
@time xNonPiv = solveGauss(A,b)
print("Residual of the solution from the pivoted solver is ", norm(A*xPiv -b)/norm(b),"\n")
print("Residual of the solution from the non pivoted solver is ", norm(A*xNonPiv -b)/norm(b),"\n")
As you can see, each time you execute the script the pivoted and non-pivoted algorithms give you back an answer with different residuals. Why do you see this behavior? How does the pivoting help the stability?
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